How to Explain Hearing Aids to Children
Things You'll Need
- "A Button in Her Ear," by Ada Bassett Litchfield
- Hearing aid
- Amplification device
Read students the book "A Button in Her Ear," by Ada Bassett Litchfield. Discuss why the girl in the story gets a hearing aid and how it helps her.
Show students a real hearing aid, and explain what the different parts do.
Hand out small earplugs (available at a drugstore) to students, and have them put them in their ears. Ask students to complete an activity (e.g., drawing a group picture, playing a short game) with the earplugs in. Afterwards, ask them to describe their experience.
Connect the hearing aid to the amplification device and speak near the hearing aid. Note to the students how the hearing aid makes your voice sound louder.
If possible, provide students with a bear fitted with a plush hearing aid (available from BuildABear). Allow them to play with the bear and examine the hearing aid.