Ear Problems in Adults

Ear infections are most common in children, but adults can also be bothered by them. An ear infection can not only cause pain, but in some instances if left untreated, it can cause more serious problems, including deafness.
  1. Middle Ear Infection

    • Most ear infections in adults are caused by bacterial or viral infections. The infections travel to the middle ear, and swelling and pus might occur. People with allergies are at greater risk.

    Swimmer's Ear

    • Swimmer's ear is caused when fungi or bacteria invade the ear under moist or wet conditions. Swimming does increase the risk of infection.


    • Ear infections in adults can cause pain, fever, itching, dizziness, temporary loss of hearing and ear blockage. Sometimes diarrhea or vomiting might occur.

    Damaged Eardrum

    • If an eardrum has been damaged or broken by a Q-tip or other foreign object, there might be a discharge of fluid from the ear.


    • If there is an infection, the ear canal might become red and swollen. There might also be a foul smell discharge from the infected ear.

    Medical Care

    • A doctor should examine and treat any ear infection to prevent serious damage and to alleviate pain. Ear drops, painkillers and antibiotics are courses of treatment. Xylitol-rich gums lower the risk of ear infections in adults, according to EDU.UDYM.com.

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