How to Protect Your Hearing as a Rock Musician

The decibel levels at a rock concert or during practice can reach high above 85. Eighty five decibels is considered a danger zone when it comes to human hearing, according to "The Sunday Times Online." When performing in your rock band, you may think all is good but even the most seasoned musicians know that the high decibel levels you create can cause great hearing loss.


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      Purchase filtered ear plugs specially designed to lower decibel levels. Many musicians use plugs designed to filter out higher frequencies and reduce decibel levels that travel to the inner ear.

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      Read the instructions carefully. Ear plugs that are used improperly will not provide any protection to your hearing. Ensure the ear plug is inserted into your ear canal comfortably. Do not force the plug deep into your ear, as this could cause damage to your eardrum.

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      Visit an ear, nose and throat specialist one to two times a year. He will check your hearing using a sound frequencies to determine if there is any hearing loss at certain levels. Check-ups are a pro-active approach to ensuring that any hearing loss is minimal and treatable.

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      Check your sound equipment regularly. Bass/treble outputs can become stronger and louder when speakers start to short out.

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