You had 3 positive clearblue tests and today with fmu it was negative can anyone help?
Expiring pregnancy. Sometimes, early pregnancies can end in miscarriage, which can lead to a decrease in hCG levels and a negative pregnancy test. If you are experiencing symptoms of a miscarriage or bleeding, it is important to see a doctor.
Ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus. This can also cause positive pregnancy tests early on, but as the ectopic pregnancy does not have the same level of hCG production it can later decrease resulting in a false negative. If you have symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy (such as sharp pain in one side of your abdomen, vaginal bleeding, or nausea and vomiting), it is important to see a doctor immediately.
HCG triggering shot. If you underwent fertility treatments using an hCG triggering shot (to stimulate ovulation), this could also cause a positive pregnancy test result. However, the hCG levels from the triggering shot will typically decline within a few days, leading to a negative pregnancy test.
Evaporation line: Very faint "lines" on a pregnancy test that occur on the result window when the test has already dried may falsely appear as a positive result to those who may be wanting a positive result. Some people can see an "indent line" on the test strip that can also be misleading so it is important to read the results within the directed timeframe on the tests product instructions to ensure an accurate result.
If you are unsure about your test results, it is best to contact your doctor or a healthcare professional. They can provide you with guidance and information based on your specific situation.