How to Make an Ear Wax Removal Solution
Things You'll Need
- White vinegar
- Rubbing alcohol
- Peroxide
Mix the following solution and store in a small dropper bottle:
1 Tablespoon white vinegar
1 Tablespoon rubbing alcohol
1 Tablespoon peroxide -
Place several drops of the rinse solution in the ear canal. Tilt the head or lie down for a few minutes to allow the rinse to soften the ear wax. Some people do not like the tickling sensation caused by the peroxide bubbles. (Do not use this solution if you have perforated ear drums or ear tubes.)
Use warm water and a squeeze bulb or syringe to gently flush out loosened ear wax. Dry the outer ear with a clean, dry towel and visually inspect the ear canal for loose pieces of wax or debris.