How to Make a Doorbell for a Deaf Person
Contact a certified electrician to help with the project. You will probably need an expert's advice on how to make the doorbell work since it will require some knowledge of circuitry and wiring.
Explore the options available for doorbells for deaf people. Doorbells can use a single flashing light hooked up to the doorbell or include a system that uses all the lights in the house. For those with some hearing capability, louder bells are appropriate. Some systems use vibration to alert the deaf person. Decide which method would work best for you.
Modify a traditional doorbell to suit the needs of a deaf person. If you can't afford to install a completely new system, there are companies that produce devices that attach to your current doorbell rather simply. Some of these don't even require any rewiring.
Purchase a door knock alert system. Although not a doorbell, this device is very simple to use as well as portable. It attaches to any door and senses vibrations caused by knocking and then alerts the deaf person with a flashing light. It is a good option when confined to a single room, such as in a hotel.
Contact your deaf social worker to find out if there is any monetary assistance available. Installing a doorbell system for the deaf can become expensive, but there may be government programs to help offset or cover the cost.