Electone Hearing Instruments
One type of Electone hearing device is the Behind-the-Ear (BTE) instrument. These fit outside the ear canal, behind and over the ear. There is a very small tube that is attached onto a mold that then sits inside the ear canal. These can be either digital or not, and some come with programmable capabilities. Because of their relatively larger size compared to some other hearing instruments, BTEs provide some of the most powerful aids available.
These hearing devices require customization, as they fit inside the ear bowl and directly into the ear canal. Since no two ear canals are exactly alike, your hearing professional must fit these specifically for you. A mold is taken of the ear canal, and then an In-the-Ear (ITE) hearing instrument is designed based on your ear canal characteristics. Because these sit inside the ear bowl they are less conspicuous than BTEs, an important feature for some individuals in need of hearing assistance.
Similar to ITEs, In-the-Canal (ITC) hearing instruments from Electone must be custom-fit to the needs of each individual. Unlike the ITE, however, ITC aids actually sit in the ear canal. They are still visible upon relatively close examination, but do not sit in the ear bowl like the ITE does so are even more appealing to those who wish to minimize the aid's appearance. Because ITEs sit in the ear canal, they may not be appropriate for those with smaller ear canals.
The most appealing hearing instrument option Electone offers for those who wish to hide the fact they utilize an aid is the Completely-in-the-Canal (CITC) custom hearing instrument. As these are quite small and sit down into the ear canal, they are invisible when worn. As with ITEs and ITCs, the customization to each individual's ear canal required for this type of instrument means it is not right for everyone. The size and shape of your inner ear canal will determine if this is a feasible option.
Specific Options
There are multiple Electone models (Figaro 2 and 4, Terra, Rio, Rio Sierra, Tango, Aurora 2 and 4, and EL 111) designed to meet the specific needs, hearing and cosmetic, of anyone in need of a hearing instrument. Some are designed for moderate to severe hearing loss such as the Terra, while others like the Tango are less technologically advanced. There are also different circuit types such as linear, which delivers the same amplification for all sounds, and compression, which automatically adjusts to your comfort level. The levels of compression can be programmed either manually or by your doctor using a computer. Consult with your hearing professional to determine which Electone model is best suited for you.