Phone Call Service for the Deaf
The Federal Communications Commission established the dialing code 711 to allow people throughout the U.S. to easily reach the telecommunications relay service, much like the dialing code 911 allows people to easily reach help in an emergency.
Using the Service
Just dial 711 from any phone in the U.S. If you are deaf, call from your TTY (text telephone). A communications assistant will relay the words you type verbally to the hearing person you wish to call. If you are hearing, call from a regular phone. A communications assistant will relay your spoken words to the deaf person you wish to call by typing them over a TTY. This service is free.
Relay Service Etiquette
When communicating via the relay service, do not talk or type until you are certain the other party has finished talking or typing. The communications assistants cannot relay two messages at the same time. Each party should say "go ahead" or type "GA" when he has finished speaking or typing.