How to Connect to TTY
Things You'll Need
- TTY device
- Phone jack
- Phone cord
- Coupler
Plug one end of the phone cord into the TTY device and the other end into a phone jack. Turn the TTY on. Press and hold the "Ctrl" key and "Dial" key simultaneously. Dial the number and hit return. The TTY will indicate the status of the phone call by showing "ringing," "busy" or an erratic blink that indicates the line is connected. This method of connection is called Direct Connect.
Plug the telephone into the phone jack if you have an acoustic coupler. Turn on the TTY. Remove the handset and position it correctly on the acoustic coupler cups designed for this purpose. Usually, the ear portion of the handset is positioned in the right cup, while the speaking portion (the portion closest to the phone cord) of the headset is positioned to the left. The telephone should fit snugly into the acoustic couplers so as to prevent external noise. Dial the telephone in the usual manner. Watch the signal on the TTY screen. A steady blink indicates the phone is ringing. A rapid blink indicates the phone line is busy. An erratic blink indicates a connection.
Use a Relay Center if one of the parties does not have a TTY. The person with the TTY must first call the Relay Center by dialing 711 anywhere in the United States. The service is free, but the call will be charged long distance rates the same as a phone call made without the Relay Center. The TTY user provides the operator with the phone number of the call recipient. The operator calls the recipient and provides the name of the call initiator. The spoken responses of the recipient are typed back to the TTY user.