Costs & Types of Hearing Aids
BTE Hearing Aid
A BTE, or behind-the-ear hearing aid, are pre-made rather then custom made and have a lower cost per unit then other hearing aids. These are the most powerful hearing aids for those with profound or severe loss of hearing in their ears. They are also great for children, as the ear molds can be changed more economically then the hearing aid shells. While the mold can be plugged with ear wax over time, the hearing aid is away from the ear canal and is protected. These hearing aids come with warranties and many retail for about $700 apiece, but can be found online for cheaper prices and may even be less with certain types of insurance.
ITE Hearing Aids
ITE, or in-the-ear hearing aids, are the largest custom-made hearing aids and fit right into a person's ear canal. They are for a wide range of patients from those with mild to severe hearing loss. Because of size, they are much easier to build then smaller custom hearing aids. They are also inexpensive. However, they can be damaged by ear wax or drainage from the ear and also are not cosmetically pleasing. These ITE hearing aids can be purchased at retail for about $300.
CIC Hearing Aids
CIC, or completely-in-the-canal hearing aids, tend to be the most expensive on the market, as they are the smallest custom hearing aids and can barely be seen. These hearing aids are best for adults with large ear canals and medium to mild hearing loss. Their sound quality is better then every other hearing aid on the market, as they have increased gain and reduced distortion. However, it is incredibly susceptible to drainage and ear wax damage. Also changing the battery is a hassle as the compartment is small. These CIC hearing aids retail at around $1200.