How Do Deaf Alarm Clocks Work?
Specially designed alarm clocks are available to the deaf and hearing-impaired. One type of clock vibrates. It is placed under your mattress and the vibrations wake you up. The other kind of clock is a lamp flasher, which turns on and off until you switch it off.
The vibrating mechanism or the lamp flasher is plugged into the alarm clock with an adapter. These products can be purchased from assistive technology manufacturers that cater to the deaf community.
Some of these clocks come fitted with snoozer buttons. For traveling, there are small portable alarm clocks that can be placed under your pillow. You will be awakened when it vibrates, according to
All in One
Some clocks designed for the hearing-impaired incorporate all of these features. Lights flash, vibration occurs and the ring is very loud, which would work for someone who has moderate hearing loss.
Seeing Sounds Rather Than Hearing
A deaf or hearing impaired individual needs to see or feel the sounds that others would hear. Easy-to-see numbers that are displayed on the alarm screen are helpful. Colorful flashing lights also help. And, of course, bed shaking will surely rouse you.
Clocks for the hard of hearing are available in varies sizes and styles. They can be equipped with volume controls, which provide maximum sound control. There can be one or many alarm-signaling functions, depending on the clock you select, notes
Additional Info
Some of the clocks are battery-operated or have a battery back-up. Get a clock that has a built-in back-up system, so you are doubly sure to wake up. You should consider getting a wristwatch that vibrates. This could give you back-up protection in the event that you sleep through the other alarm.