Major Depressive How I Episodes

Symptoms of a major depressive episode:

* Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day: This can feel like sadness, emptiness, or numbness. It can also include feeling hopeless, worthless, or guilty.

* Loss of interest or pleasure in most activities: This can include things you used to enjoy, like hobbies, work, or spending time with friends and family.

Changes in appetite: This can include significant weight loss or gain, or a change in appetite that is different from your usual pattern.

Changes in sleep: This can include insomnia, waking up too early, or sleeping too much.

* Increased or decreased energy: This can make it hard to carry out your daily activities.

* Restlessness or slowing down: This can include pacing, hand-wringing, or moving slowly.

* Poor concentration and decision-making: This can make it hard to focus on tasks, make decisions, or remember things.

* Feelings of worthlessness or guilt: This can include feeling like you're a burden to others or that you've failed.

* Thoughts of death or suicide: If you're having thoughts of suicide, please reach out for help.

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