Counseling Activities for Teenage Girls
Supportive Adults
Many people were influenced at some point in their lives by an adult who helped them to realize their value and self-worth as an individual. Even if a teenage girl may not have a supportive family, a counselor or mentor can make all the difference. Setting a positive example and telling her about all of her good qualities is essential to helping her build a good self-image. Encouraging her to do things that interest her and that bring out her best abilities can help her feel strong and capable.
Inspirational Poster
Many teenage girls enjoy being creative and have various interests. She may not hear people tell her she is good and has great abilities on a daily basis. Creating a vision board with encouraging and supportive words while talking about it during a counseling session could help her to slowly change a negative outlook she may have on herself. You can work together to cut out various words and pictures in magazines, such as phrases like "You are beautiful." Allow her to take the board home and place it in her bedroom where she can look at it every day.
Writing Thoughts
A teenage girl may have formed many negative thoughts about herself as a result of years of teasing or verbal abuse in the home. Ask her what kind of mantras she may have or things she believes about herself. You can also ask her what her worst fears are. Have her write these things down on a piece of paper. After she is finished, work together through each belief she has about herself. Ask her why she believes each statement and the logic behind each. Each statement can be changed to a more positive one. This is cognitive-behavioral therapy. You can ask her to look at the paper each day to assist her in shifting her personal beliefs she holds about herself.
Art Therapy
According to Counseling Outfitters, teens often benefit from counseling techniques that are creative and innovative, allowing them to express themselves beyond words. Art therapy can be helpful for building self-esteem, managing behaviors and working through various problems. Structured groups can benefit teens because they can thrive from the support around them. Painting to express a certain feeling, for example, can be a great way for a teen to express personal problems.