Signs of Irritability
Exhibiting Irritability
Irritability can be the result of discomfort or anything that causes a person pain, concern or which frightens her. Irritability may be worse in the morning or aggravated by cold or noise. The individual can withdraw and worry, particularly about the future. She may be angry and sad. Sometimes the irritability lessens when the person gets rest and when the weather gets warmer.
Health Problems or Withdrawal
A mild case of irritability is common and can be the outcome of fatigue and overwork. Sometimes, though, it is an indication of health problems, such as an infection or injury. Withdrawal from alcohol, drugs, caffeine and nicotine can also cause irritability. Those suffering from brain tumors and increased pressure on their brain become irritable.
Medication and Other Culprits
A reaction to medication can cause irritability as can headaches, a hormonal imbalance, autoimmune disorders, anxiety and emotional or mental disorders or any serious illness that is causing the person pain and worry.
Pregnancy and PMS
Pregnancy can cause irritability because a woman's hormones go haywire and she may not be feeling well, suffering bouts of nausea and vomiting and may not be sleeping well. Irritability is also a sign of PMS, which some women experience right before they start their period. Again, this is the result of hormones.
Alcohol makes symptoms of anxiety, depression and irritability worse although it seems to work initially. Alcohol impairs the function of your brain and when it wears off you become more irritable. It also affects the quality of your sleep.