How to Make SAD Lights
Things You'll Need
- 6 medium beam Tungsten-Halogen Full Spectrum light bulbs
- Two track lighting tracks with fixtures to fit 3 bulbs each (make sure these are the kind that plug right into the wall)
- Drill
- Screws, if the track lighting hardware doesn't come with any
- Screwdriver
- 2 wall socket adapters
Purchase light bulbs and track lighting hardware. Make sure the bulbs are the right size for the track lighting hardware. Be sure to find out if screws and adapters are included with your track lighting hardware; they often are, but if not, you'll want to purchase these as well.
Find the best places to mount your lights. Generally, a track right above your bed is a good idea, so you can get bright light first thing in the morning. The other track should be positioned where you spend most of the day, such as over your desk or in the kitchen.
Using a ruler and a pencil, mark the area where you will mount the light and mark where the screws need to go. Carefully drill small holes for the screws. Position your light, and affix it to the wall by screwing in the screws. You may want to have someone hold the track while you screw it in place. Secure both racks where you want them.
Screw in the bulbs. Use an adapter on the plug, if needed, and plug in your lights.
Turn on the lights in your bedroom first thing in the morning to receive bright light while you arise and get dressed. Turn on the lights in the room in which you spend most of your time for at least a few hours a day.