How to Resolve Depressed Feelings
Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. A simple daily walk can make a big difference in depression symptoms. The reason exercise is so important is that it releases endorphins and other mood-elevating chemicals in the brain, which mimics the benefits of anti-depressant drug therapy. By implementing a consistent 30 to 60 minute exercise regiment daily, depression symptoms can often be minimized or erased altogether.
Eliminate toxins from the body that trigger or exacerbate depression symptoms. Certain toxins can even cause depression in many individuals. Possible culprits include caffeine, antihistamines, alcohol and tranquilizers.
Make healthy lifestyle changes. Eliminating stress with yoga, meditation and breathing exercises is a positive health choice to improve your mental and physical state. Making an effort to eat properly, with several small meals throughout the day, will keep insulin levels from spiking, which moderates mood swings. Taking vitamins can also have a positive impact on mental health since it is almost impossible to get all the nutrition we need from well-balanced meals.
Get a full night's sleep. Getting seven or eight hours of sleep each night is important for everyone, and particularly critical for people suffering with depression symptoms. Both sleeping too little or too much can worsen depression symptoms.
Consult with a mental health professional if depression symptoms last for weeks or become severe. Whether therapy is the answer or not, a professional can advise a person about the best way to address their individual problems. Every situation is different and should be evaluated by a trained professional.
Commit to psychotherapy sessions as often as recommended by a trained therapist. The goal of therapy treatment is to promote healthy coping strategies to enable patients to better manage daily stress issues.
Take a drug therapy regiment. For individuals suffering from chronic depression, anti-depressant drugs may be required to treat symptoms. Individuals who try alternative solutions to treat their symptoms, but do not respond to these other options, should consult a mental health professional to discuss drug therapy solutions.
Eat properly and take needed vitamins. Several small meals throughout the day, will keep insulin levels from spiking, which moderates mood swings. Eating Omega-3 fatty acids which are found in flaxseed, salmon and tuna, dark green vegetables, soy and nuts, may eliminate mood swings. Taking B-12 vitamins can also have a positive impact on mental health since it is almost impossible to get all the nutrition we need from well-balanced meals.