How to Handle Grief With Wisdom
Learn about grief. The grieving process varies between individuals. Some people experience marked lows in mood and an overwhelming feeling of loss and sadness. Feelings can shift quickly, and you may feel a loss of emotional control. Knowing that these experiences are normal is an important aspect of handling grief in a healthy and productive manner.
Create a support system. When you experience a significant loss, it is important to stay connected with people who know and understand you. Friends, loved ones and spiritual advisers can all play an important role in providing support by being present to hear your feelings or taking an active role in helping you work through practical problems or responsibilities related to your loss.
Seek peer support groups and professional help. Support groups for grief can offer an opportunity to talk with others who have lived or are living your same experience. Joining a support group may offer helpful feedback, ideas and understanding. Professional counseling offers the opportunity to work through your grief with an individual who is trained to help process these difficult feelings and changes.
Make an active effort to memorialize your loss. Memorials, such as letters to a lost loved one, ceremonies or symbolic actions like planting a tree for a loved one, are important ways people mark a loss. By memorializing a person or event, you create a space for positive thoughts and memories, even in the presence of the loss. Over time, this help you process the loss, and grieving slowly runs its course.