Funny Ways to Beat the Winter Blues
Even though it is cold outside, you can still have a summer barbecue. Put on a coat, a scarf and a hat and light up the grill. Dress up your kitchen table with a picnic tablecloth and use paper plates and cups. Serve ice tea, hamburgers and hot dogs. You can even light citronella candles to add to the ambiance and fun of summertime. Then top off your night by watching one of your favorite funny summer movies such "European Vacation" or "Dirty Dancing."
Virtual Travel
Buy some lotion that smells like coconut and put on your favorite sundress. Then, take a virtual trip around the world to your favorite Caribbean destinations. You can visit even the most remote tropical jungles and beaches with a few clicks of your mouse. Make a dream sheet or bucket list of places you will visit in the future.You can also find videos at your local library or video store that will make you feel like the beach is in your front yard.
Take a Class
Consider taking a class at a community college, your local community center or your local library. Check with your local gyms to see if they are offering any new exercise classes. Consider taking ballroom dancing lessons or two-step lessons. Taking a new class will keep you busy and give you something new to look forward to on a continuing basis. If you do not want to take a class, then consider a new hobby such as cooking or scrapbooking. You will stay busy and have something to show for it when you are done.
Beach Bum Snowman
Make a beach bum snowman in your front yard or at the park. Don't let the snowy days go to waste. Lay a plastic sheet on the ground and then lay a towel over the plastic sheet. The plastic sheet will keep the towel from freezing to the ground. Build a snowman that is lying down on the towel. Give the snowman a hat, sunglasses, a boogie board and a beach umbrella.