How to Heal Your Grieving
Think about your situation; grief is a normal and common feeling. Do not allow yourself to feel isolated or devalued.
Spend time with family and friends and do not fear talking about your feelings. Participate in activities you enjoy to keep your mind occupied.
Seek help. Your doctor will be able to provide information on how to locate a mental health professional or social worker in your area. These professionals are experienced in loss, grief and appropriate services. Go to your local religious institution and speak with the clergy who can provide a spiritual perspective and understanding to loss and grief.
Join a support group. Support groups will provide a safe environment where you can freely express your feelings with people of similar situations.
Stay healthy. Have a regular exercise regimen to keep your body and mind active. Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Eating too much or too little may cause other health related issues. Stay away from food that will make you overtly tired.