How to Get Things Done When You're Depressed
Identify your stress triggers. Certain things are likely to increase your feelings of stress, therefore affecting your mood negatively. This can be any number of things, including employment, certain people or any health problems you have. Once you are aware of your triggers, you can manage them and plan your day accordingly.
Set yourself easy, manageable tasks. It is important for depression sufferers to set goals that reflect their current needs, according to a 2009 "Psychology Today" website article. If you believe you cannot cope with doing the shopping, leave it for another day and make a list of things you need instead. Setting too high a standard will increase your feelings of being unable to cope when you do not achieve it.
Get a good night's sleep. Both too much and not enough sleep can negatively affect a person's mood. If you are tired, you are more likely to feel irritable and agitated. These feelings will affect your ability to think logically, making you believe you are unable to cope with simple tasks. Ideally, you should be getting around eight hours of sleep per night, as is recommended by the 2010 HelpGuide website.
Spend a little time each day doing something you enjoy. Your mood may be so low you find it hard to imagine enjoying anything, but even spending 15 minutes reading a book can be beneficial. Doing something you enjoy or find interesting will help you cope with the harder things in your life.
Ask for support from family and friends. Surrounding yourself with people who love you will not only improve your confidence, but should help with your ability to cope. Knowing people love you and think a lot of you will counteract any self-doubt you may have. Tell a close friend or family member how you feel. They will want to support and help you.
Take regular exercise and eat properly. Exercise is a good way to lift a person's mood; a 10-minute walk can improve your mood for two hours, according to the HelpGuide website. Eating three healthy meals a day is also important. Making lifestyle changes and changing bad habits for good ones is important for sufferers of depression, says a WebMD website article.