How to Love Someone Who Is Depressed

Depression not only affects the sufferer of the mental illness, it also causes frustration in relationships of those who are close to the sufferer. Unlike a physical illness that can simply be cured with medication, depression requires a combination of prescription drugs, counseling and a support to reduce the severity of the illness. Loving someone who suffers from depression can be difficult, as feelings of helplessness and frustration are common when attempting to communicate with the loved one. While challenging, it is important to understand what the disease is and to take care of yourself in order to provide support for your loved one.


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      Talk to your loved one in a caring, non-threatening tone. Those who suffer from depression may be sensitive to hostility in your tone, as they may assume your tone indicates the possibility of rejecting or abandoning them. Express your concerns about her depression by stating how you feel, which takes the pressure off of her and reduces the likelihood of defensive behavior.

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      Reassure the depressed person that he is not alone in the way he is feeling. Depression tends to cause feelings of isolation and embarrassment, but encouragement helps the sufferer to realize you are emotionally present during his difficult situation.

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      Suggest the depressed loved one gets help. The sufferer cannot solve her problems on her own, and professional medical help is necessary to manage the mental illness. Offer to accompany your loved one to the doctor, who can provide a proper diagnosis of her condition and suggest treatment.

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      Establish boundaries. While your loved one benefits from your support, you also need to take care of yourself. Providing constant attention to someone who is depressed wears you down and can affect your health. Falling into the role of therapist breeds resentment, and can damage the relationship. Create a balance of taking care of your own needs while being supportive to your loved one.

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