Ways to Cure Sadness
Accept and Analyze
Accept that sadness is normal. Spend time with your sadness and determine why you are sad. Determine whether you can take some action to change circumstances that make you sad. For example, if someone or something is creating stress in your life, determine whether you can remove the stressor or reduce its influence.
Examine your current situation and determine whether you can reframe it and see it in a positive light. For example, if you have lost your job, can you see this as a way to open your life up to a better job or one you will enjoy more? That doesn't make the change less stressful right now, but focusing on the positive opens up new possibilities. It can also reduce your sadness and create a sense of excitement and anticipation for the future.
Talk About It
Find someone you can share your feelings with. This may mean a professional counselor or just a sympathetic and understanding ear. Sometimes just talking about what has led to your sadness is enough to bring it forward so it can be released. Sometimes talking about your situation can help you see a way to bring about positive change.
Spiritual Help
If you believe in a Higher Power, take it to prayer. Ask for guidance, relief, comfort or whatever can bring about a release of your sadness. Prayer may bring comfort to your heart and light to the darkness. You may also find relief in meditation, spiritual readings and other spiritual practices.
Help Others
Sometimes problems and sadness reduce when you reach out to someone else. Volunteer in your church, school, senior citizen center or homeless shelter. Helping others may provide some perspective on your situation and lift your spirits.
Some fragrances can help lift your mood. Lavender, jasmine, rose, lemon, geranium and ylang ylang can boost the emotions, according to Kathy Keville in "Aromatherapy: Healing for the Body and Soul." Add a few drops to your bath water or to a fragrance ring. Breathe deeply and let the aroma soothe you.
Physical Needs
Get plenty of rest and eat appropriately. Missing sleep can stress your body and eating poorly can also contribute to body stress. Exercise can also lift your mood. Spend some time pampering yourself and taking care of these needs and your sadness may lift.
Light and Color Therapy
Seasonal Affective Disorder, SAD for short, brings sadness to some people during the winter months. Use full-spectrum light bulbs to provide the necessary light components. Richard Gerber, M.D., recommends placing violet-, purple- and blue-colored lenses over a lamp shade to relieve sadness.