Activities for Loneliness After a Death
Start Small
Go to the library and choose books that are going to take your mind off what has happened. Chat with the librarian and ask for advice. Ask if there is a local book club that you could join. Invite a friend over for a meal or to go to the theater or cinema.
Get Bolder
Think of all the things you would like to do that you have not done. Write a list, work down the list, and start. Join an exercise class, which will energize you and ensure that you are with other people. Telephone everyone you know and like just for a chat. Work your way through your contacts list. People are reluctant to call the bereaved, so ask how they are doing to break the ice.
Make Decisions
Decide what you want from the rest of your life. Sell your house and move away? Move abroad? Start a business from home? Work part-time? The latter is still possible even if you have retired. Several companies offer jobs as greeters or helpers. A job like this would have you out meeting people and doing something useful. It may also be that you actually need the money if your loved one was the breadwinner.
Hobbies and New Experiences
Starting a new hobby when you are lonely is often recommended, but it's not for everyone. Riding in a hot-air balloon is a onetime experience you might like to try. Spending more time with your children or grandchildren is always exhilarating and often exhausting. Greet each new day with the possibility of a new experience.
Pamper Yourself
Treat yourself to a facial or a massage, a new haircut, a new suit or something that makes you feel attractive. Go to a spa day at the local health club where you will meet people to talk to. Going back home at night and climbing into bed, you may be too exhausted to feel lonely. Look forward to what the next day will bring.