How to Have A More Positive View Of Life
Things You'll Need
- Journal
- Writing utensil
Write a statement of positive determination. You must make a decision that you want to see your life from a new view; that you want to adopt an optimistic viewpoint. Decide on what you want and stay focused. Negativity is all around us; however, the best way to stop all the negative chatter in your own mind is to make a positive determination and stand firm.
Envision the positive outcome that you have determined. In a quiet place, close your eyes and see yourself once the outcome has materialized. Tune out all opposing thoughts and images by changing those thoughts to more positive alternatives. Feel it, embody it and relax in it. In your journal, write down this vision.
Read aloud your determination statement and your written vision. Repeat this step three times on the day you write it. Continue to read it back to yourself once every day for seven days. Anytime thereafter, repeat this action as often as you need to. Speaking your own words out loud, as you envision, can help make the vision feel alive.
Give thanks, in advance, for that positive outcome. It may seem strange that you would be thankful before a manifestation. On the contrary. Being thankful in advance shows your faith or belief that your outcome is possible and will happen. Never fail to say thank you. This one simple act in itself might begin to change something inside you.
"Over-stand" in anticipation of your outcome coming to pass. To over-stand is to continue to stand firm in your determination from when you first decide until you see your outcome before your eyes. Stand no matter what. This will eliminate a great deal of the negative vibe around you. Your strength will say volumes.
Speak daily affirmations that support the vision of your determined, positive outcome. If you have positive words escaping your lips on a regular basis, there will be no room for the negative words. Say your positive affirmations in present tense. Believe it. Embody it. Know it to be true and real. See that vision and continue to speak positively about it. That view of your life will only look brighter.