How to Negotiate With a Suicidal Person
Take the person somewhere quiet where you can talk calmly if you are talking to them face to face. If you are talking over the telephone, remember to remain calm and reasonable, and suggest a face-to-face meeting.
Take what the person says seriously. Never accuse them of lying, exaggerating or merely doing this "for attention." Keep in mind that the threat of suicide may be a serious one.
Ask questions and repeat the person's statements back to them in order to demonstrate that you are listening and taking in what they have said. For example, use statements such as, "So, you're obviously very upset about the divorce," if it fits with the situation.
If the person threatens suicidal action, do not panic. Carry on talking in a calm, rational manner.
Give the person hope. Try to get him to focus on the positive aspects of his life and tell him that things will get better. Remind him that people care about him.
Do not be judgmental. It is possible that the person may confess something very shocking.
If you are talking face to face, small things like fetching food, coffee or water, or showing physical affection by embracing or hugging the person, can be helpful.
Convince the person to get some help by calling a doctor, counselor or psychiatrist. If he refuses, try to talk him into it by saying you'll go with him to the appointment.
Stay with the person until you are certain the situation has been resolved.