Questions to Ask to Determine If You Are Depressed
Do I Feel Hopeless?
Individuals suffering from depression often feel hopeless and feel that they will never be happy again. They might believe that they are caught in a situation with no way to escape and that their life will never improve.
Have My Sleep Patterns Changed?
Many depressed individuals suffer from insomnia and are unable to meet their body's sleep requirements, often waking very early in the morning. Alternatively, others suffering with depression might sleep too much, a condition known as hypersomnia. If your sleep patterns have changed, or you suffer from insomnia or hypersomnia, seek medical advice.
Has My Appetite or Weight Changed?
Depression can cause changes in appetite that lead to weight loss or weight gain. Some depressed individuals lose weight rapidly because they have no desire to eat, but others gain weight because they eat because of feelings of stress or loneliness. Extreme weight loss or gain of 5 percent or more can be a symptom of depression.
Have I Lost Interest in Daily Activities?
People suffering from depression often lose interest in hobbies and activities they once enjoyed. They might avoid social activities like meeting friends for lunch or attending parties. They also might lose interest in sex. Normal daily activities such as making the bed, preparing food or even getting dressed might feel like insurmountable obstacles.
Has My Mood Changed?
People who are depressed often experience a feeling of restlessness. If you are easily agitated or upset and become angry very quickly, you might be depressed. Crying is another sign of depression, as is an inability to stay focused. People who are depressed might easily be distracted.
How Do I Feel About Myself?
People who are depressed might have strong feelings of self-hatred. They might feel guilty for or be overly critical of their thoughts and actions. Feelings of worthlessness are a common symptom of depression.
Do I Have Physical or Mental Symptoms?
People suffering from depression might experience physical symptoms they can't explain. Achy bones and joints are common. You also might suffer from headaches and stomach pain. Depression also can cause extreme fatigue and a feeling of heaviness.