What Are the Causes of Computer Depression?
Long-term Use and Depression
Recent studies suggest that spending five hours or more on a computer each day can increase the risk of psychological problems, and it seems that there is a direct connection between length of time spent on a computer each day and an increase in depression. Because of this connection, try to avoid spending significant lengths of time on the computer. If you have to work online or with a computer all day during the workday, try to take a break away from the computer whenever you can find the time. Go and get a cup of tea, or simply open the window and take in a sight other than your computer screen for a few minutes.
Antisocial Behavior and Depression
When spending a significant amount of time at the computer, you may feel more connected to the world while simultaneously removing yourself from social interaction. In fact, it may seem like you can find and do everything online. Unfortunately, the more time you spend connecting with people online, both friends and strangers, the less you spend engaging in real-world social interaction. Also, recent psychological studies have shown that spending time engaging in video games and computer games (even those games that are non-violent) will not only increase antisocial behavior, but that this antisocial behavior can lead to depression.
Poor Health and Depression
If you spend a significant amount of time on the computer, there is a chance that you could also be neglecting your health. Recent research has found that teenagers are becoming less likely to participate in physical activity due to the increase use of computers and computer technologies. Doctors have known for years that there is a direct relationship between lack of exercise or physical activity and depression. Fortunately, as soon as you start spending less time behind the computer and make an effort to increase your exercise and physical activity, you can actually reduce symptoms of depression.
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