Ways to Stop Being Depressed
Exercise may be one effective way to stop or lessen depression. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), exercise can act as an antidepressant immediately as well in the long term. This method works best for people with mild or moderate depression. The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) suggests that depressed people exercise between four and six times a week for at least 30 minutes to induce the reaction that causes exercise to elevate mood and lessen depression.
Sleep is just as important as exercise in easing depression. Changes in sleeping patterns are one of the more common signs of depression, according to MayoClinic.com. In fact, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), at least 90 percent of people with depression develop sleep patterns involving either sleeping too much or sleeping too little. The Sleep Foundation suggests that depressed individuals limit caffeine and alcohol to ensure adequate sleep at night. Also maintain a regular sleeping and waking schedule. If sleep problems remain a problem, contact a physician.
Avoid Alcohol and Drugs
Though self-medicating with drugs and alcohol may seem like an ideal solution to ease depression, self-medication may have the opposite effect. Alcohol and drugs worsen symptoms of depression, according to MayoClinic.com. These substances may even make depression more difficult to treat.
Challenge Negative Thinking
Negative thoughts are an essential part of depression, explains the AAFP. One key to combating feelings of depression is to challenge negative thought patterns. Instead of believing negative thoughts, a person with depression should replace negative thoughts with more positive thoughts. Seeking help from a counselor can change these thoughts with cognitive behavioral therapy, according to MayoClinic.com
Social Support
One way a person can stop feelings of depression is by seeking social support. Isolation can make feelings of depression worsen, according to Helpguide.org. Helpguide.org suggests that depressed people should surround themselves with close friends and family. Support groups may also help a person learn how to cope with depression and learn from other's experiences with condition.