Winter Blues Symptoms
A feeling of sleepiness is common among those who suffer from the winter blues. The symptoms also might include difficulty concentrating and increased sleep. Although it is common for many people to feel increased tiredness during the winter, for those suffering from seasonal affective disorder, the lack of energy and depression can become debilitating. According to Adelphi University, the lack of sunlight and its effect on hormone levels might cause winter blues. The body's internal clock uses sunlight to coordinate sleep patterns, which are not in harmony during seasons of darkness. Those suffering from the condition can benefit by getting up earlier to gain exposure to as much sunlight as possible. Those who sleep late decrease can exacerbate the problem.
Weight Gain and Cravings
Winter blues or seasonal affective disorder sufferers might crave high-carbohydrate foods and sweets during this time, so weight gain is a symptom of winter blues. High-carbohydrate cravings and increased sweets consumption contributes to the weight gain along with the decrease in physical activity. Some sufferers have two sets of clothing for winter and summer because of the weight gain caused by the winter blues, according to Adelphi University. The cravings might be caused by the increase in serotonin the sufferer experiences while eating these foods.
It is not uncommon for those suffering from winter blues to feel irritable. It might be caused by the lack of energy, fatigue and sleep along with changes in diet and weight gain.