Depressed & Lonely After My Divorce
Family and Friends
Family and friends can be a great support system. Don't isolate yourself. Family and friends can offer companionship and support. Engage in activities with them, whether its participating in outdoor activities, going to the movies, playing cards or whatever else you enjoy.
Staying Busy
Regular exercise helps you feel better. It's good to keep busy. If you are employed, continue to work. Make time each day to exercise, even if it's just a 30-minute walk. You may want to take a class in yoga or meditation to help reduce stress. Resist the urge to feed your feelings with the wrong foods or drown your sorrows with alcohol. You'll feel better if you treat your body right.
Support Groups
Support groups connect you with people who understand how you feel. Many communities have support groups for divorced people and you may find it helpful to join one. You'll find people who understand what you're going through and you can join in discussions about how to heal and move forward.
Mental Health Professionals
There is no shame in reaching out for professional help. A therapist can help you sort out your feelings and get your life back on track. If your depression lasts for more than a few weeks, it's probably best to get help from a licensed mental health professional. If your depression is severe, or you have thoughts of suicide, go to the nearest emergency room immediately.