How to Avoid Depression Using Food
Depression affects more than 20 million individuals in the U.S. alone. Depression may interfere with a person's ability to carry out a healthy life and normal functioning. Eating well may be a positive step to overcoming depression. Diet is a major factor in overall health, including mental health. Deficiencies of certain vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids may directly correlate to emotional well being. Make diet a priority. Eat a balanced and varied diet to naturally get all the mood-boosting proteins. Get plenty of fatty acids and micronutrients. Eat non-processed foods.Things You'll Need
- Fish
- Nuts
- Greens
- Whole grains
- Olive oil
- Fresh fruits
- Fresh vegetables
- Beans
Follow a Mediterranean diet. Eating a diet high in vegetable, fruits, fish, nuts, whole grains and olive oil could stave off depression, says an article in the Independent UK. Mediterranean style eaters may have 30 percent less chance of suffering from depression, according to researchers at University of Las Palmas, University of Navarra and University College, London. Replace red meat with fish. Swap dairy such as butter for olive oil. Ditch processed foods and replace them with fresh fruits and vegetables. Chose natural foods.
Increase your levels of selenium. Up your intake of unrefined grains and cereals such as wheat bran, whole wheat, brown rice and whole oatmeal. Eat at least a few eggs a week. Chomp on a handful of nuts. Brazil nuts make a rich source of selenium. Nibble on walnuts or almonds as well.
Increase your intake of omega-3 acids. You can find these acid in oily fish. Prepare a light meal of seared tuna, grilled mackerel or salmon. Couple the fish with plenty of green vegetables for an added mood boost. Use olive oil. Include flax or grape seed oil in your diet. Snack on pumpkin seeds, another rich source of omega-3.
Get enough vitamin B to help to prevent depression. Consume vitamin B folate, also known as folic acids. Eat foods such as yeast extract, green vegetables and beans. Include brown rice, steamed collard greens and lentils in your meals.