How to Identify Sertraline

Sertraline is prescribed to treat symptoms of major depressive disorder. According to DailyMed, clinical depression is characterized by changes that affect the completion of daily activities. Symptoms include a persistent mood of sadness, chronic fatigue, sleep pattern changes, psychomotor retardation, change in appetite, decreased interest in normal activities, lowered libido, persistent feelings of guilt or hopelessness, loss of the ability to concentrate, feelings of worthlessness, suicidal ideation and slowed thinking. Sertraline may control some or all of these symptoms. If you find a stray tablet you suspect may be sertraline, there is a definitive way to determine the pill type.


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      Access DailyMed. DailyMed is an online resource of FDA-approved medications and their labels. It is a free public service provided by the National Library of Medicine. As of October 2010, this website contains information about 16,267 drugs.

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      Type "sertraline" into the white search box under the home page header. Click "Go." This will generate a list of every type of sertraline tablet available from participating drug suppliers. Every manufacturer issues the drug with a different appearance.

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      Choose a supplier. Click the tab labeled "How Supplied." It will take you to a section that will explain the shape of the manufacturer's tablet. It will tell whether or not the tablet is scored (marked with a distinctive line where the pill may be cut or broken into smaller doses). This section will also tell you the color of the pill and what if any identifying embossing is on this brand of sertraline. "How Supplied" will also list the pill dosages available on the market and how many pills are placed in each bottle.

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      Compare "How Supplied" descriptions to the pill you have to determine if it is in fact sertraline.

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