How to Switch From Effexor XR to Lamictal
Write down the dosage of the Effexor XR you are on daily. If you do not know, read the directions on the bottle. If your capsules are 150 mg and you take two capsules each day, your dosage is 300 mg per day.
Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the switch from Effexor XR to Lamictal. Effexor XR, as with any anti-depressent drug, can make you very ill if you stop taking the drug abruptly. The withdrawal of Effexor XR must be carefully managed by you and your physician. Your physician will determine your weekly reduction based on your dosage and the number of years you have taken Effexor XR. According to, weaning off of Effexor XR can take weeks or months.
Carefully monitor your symptoms as you reduce your Effexor XR by keeping a daily diary of symptoms and dosage taken. Common withdrawal symptoms are nausea, headache, shivers, increased anxiety and the feeling of not being able to think. If you withdraw too quickly you can experience seizures. Any symptoms that are above mild should be reported to the doctor to adjust the weaning process. The doctor may reduce your dosage by half each week or over a longer period of time if your dosage is high.
Add in the Lamictal at the stage instructed by the physician. Generally you will add in Lamictal, at a low dose, at the same time you make your first reduction of Effexor XR. The doctor will ask you to monitor the side effects carefully to try to determine if a side effect is from adding Lamictal or reducing the Effexor XR.
Continue the reduction process until you are completely off of Effexor XR. Effexor XR comes in capsules that cannot be cut in half. This makes the final reduction difficult for some patients. The smallest capsule is 37.5 mg. You may be required to bounce between one capsule every day, to one every other day to one every third day before you can completely come off Effexor XR.