How do I Support a Depressed Husband?
Sudden sadness or thoughts of suicide can indicate depression. Symptoms of depression can include sadness, low energy, inability to focus or sleep, loss of pleasure in activities and low self worth. The DSM IV, a psychiatric diagnosis manual, states these symptoms must "occur within the same two week period and represent a change from previous functioning."
Wives can help their husbands seek mental health treatment. There are many treatment options for depression, including medications and psychotherapy. Psychologist Abraham Feingold, Psy D, says the key to battling your spouse's depression is "getting diagnosis and treatment for his depression from a health care professional."
Expert Insight
Mental-health experts can help educate you about depression. You can work with your husband's mental-health professionals to get a better understanding of the causes, symptoms and treatments for his depression. This will enable you to be more effective in assessing your husband's progress and detecting problems.
Recognizing and treating depressive symptoms is a good first step in combating depression. You should remember depression is a medical condition and depressed behaviors should never be personalized.