Can Dogs Help Human Depression?
One basic element of being a good dog owner is providing your pet with adequate exercise. Often pet owners are forced to get out and exercise with their pets due to lack of yard space. Exercise is known to raise endorphin levels, which stimulates positive emotions.
Many people who are depressed are looking for companionship. Oftentimes, pets can offer the much-needed contact that many people lack. This is especially common in elderly people who may not have many family members living nearby.
Love and Affection
People are social animals who crave love and affection. When this basic need is not met, people can suffer from depression. Pets can fulfill this basic need, to a certain extent. Dogs normally offer unconditional love, which is what many of those suffering from depression are lacking. It may also help remedy depression to show affection to a dog, such as hugging, scratching and grooming.