How to Promote Positive Thinking
Be Optimistic
Think of the glass as half full rather than half empty. Do not dwell on the negative aspects of a situation as this will only cause more bad vibes. For instance, it is hard for a lot of people, men and women, to come to terms with the ravaging effects of age. You can counter the depression that sometimes follows the sight of wrinkles in the mirror by thinking of those wrinkles as evidence of a life well-lived. Not everyone who started the journey of life with you has made it this far. That is a reason to feel better about the changes your body is making. So also in other situations, think of the positive aspects.
Maintain a grateful attitude for what you have instead of dwelling on what you don't have. Instead of dwelling on not having fancy shoes, dwell on the fact that you have two feet with which to wear shoes. Instead of dwelling on a lost limb, be grateful that you have eyes to see the beautiful sunrise. Be grateful for the little things as well as the big things and try not to take any day for granted.
Keep a broad perspective of things. Do not focus on one unpleasant occurrence to the point that you lose sight of the bigger picture. You may have lost your job, but it's not the end of the world. It might even be an opportunity to start your own business. If your relationship has ended, it may be the chance for you to find someone better suited to you. Look ahead; don't just focus on the here and now. There may just be an open window where a door has been slammed in your face.
When it seems as if a certain situation is too overwhelming, break it down into little manageable chunks to make it easier to deal with. Take things one day at a time and do not try to rush things. Give yourself space to assimilate things each day and try not to crowd everything on your to-do list into an unrealistic time frame.
Surround yourself with positive people, so you can share in their positive spirit. Negative people only will wear you down and make you even more depressed than you already are. Do not let negative people make you doubt yourself by telling you that you cannot do something. If you believe in yourself, that is all that matters.