Ways to Beat Winter Blues
The winter blues can also be a symptom of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a mental health disorder brought on by lack of sunlight, so consult a doctor to eliminate this if the winter blues persist.
Eat a Healthy Diet
In good weather, people tend to eat lighter, healthier foods. However, as winter comes in, comfort eating can become a problem as the body begins to crave starchy, sugary foods. These types of food will give short, quick bursts of energy. As these bursts subside, however, energy can actually flag and you may become lethargic and fatigued, which will negatively impact your state of mind. Including foods with mood-boosting omega fatty acids such as oily fish and healthy cooking oils such as grapeseed, olive or sunflower oils will counteract this. Cut back on sugary foods, as sugar can cause sudden and severe emotional changes.
Regular exercise promotes energy, good mood and good sleeping patterns. These are especially important during the winter when you can feel sluggish and blue. Oversleeping can cause irritability and low mood, as can a lack of energy. Maintaining your regular exercise regimen also counteracts a low mood that might be caused by weight gain.
Go Outside
The body needs sunlight to keep energy on an even keel. Melatonin is a hormone produced in the brain which promotes feelings of sleepiness. Sunlight is required by the body and brain to regulate melatonin. While the idea of going outside in winter may not be a pleasant one, getting out for even ten minutes a day and exposing your body to sunlight can improve your mood and energy levels immensely. Disrupted sleep patterns can have a serious effect on the body, and feeling overtired can cause a person to feel blue.
Bad weather can be prohibitive, especially when it comes to socializing. Unsafe road conditions or extreme cold can make people want to stay inside. However, human beings require social interaction for their mood, self esteem and confidence. Taking half an hour to visit a friend for lunch or calling a family member for a chat can help to alleviate blue moods and depression.
Light Box
The winter blues can often indicate SAD, a type of depression brought on by lack of sunlight. Light boxes can help to treat this. The light box replicates sunlight and is brighter than standard bulbs. Leaving the box on for 30 minutes a day can relieve feelings of depression. The light box, which can be used while you work or at home, can be purchased over the counter in most drugstores.