How to Boost Self Image
Love yourself. In "The Power of Intention," Dr. Wayne Dyer explains the importance of recognizing that "you are a living, breathing creation that emanated from the universal mind of the all-creating Source." In other words, you are as great and mysterious as any other creature on earth. Your existence and purpose is meant to be positive.
Think outside the ego. The voice in your head which tells you that you're fat or a failure is your ego's warped monologue. The ego is obsessed with social status and material possessions which can disappear in a second; none of these things define who you are. You are defined by your thoughts, feelings and actions towards others.
After self-love and self-acceptance, you have to expand your horizons. Think about something you've always wanted to achieve. This can be something minor, such as learning how to swim or traveling to an exotic country. Make a list of tasks necessary to achieve your goal. Devote time each day to complete one of the tasks. Traveling to another country may involve costs, so an extra job may be necessary. Nothing is handed to accomplished people. You have to start somewhere and take the first steps.
A break-up or divorce may leave your self-image in shambles. The truth is that you'll have hundreds of encounters with various people during a lifetime. Your self-worth cannot rest on the success a single relationship. Being kind to your neighbor or to the check-out clerk also counts when it comes to defining who you are. If you believe you're a loving person, let that reflect in all your interactions. Let your deeds be truly heartfelt. Over time, your efforts will pay off. You'll soon hear people telling you how kind you are. Having good relations with people around you is as much of an achievement as getting married.
Work on the outside so that it reflects the new and improved version of you. Don't let some makeover show dictate what you need to do to improve your appearance. Start with your health and consider whether dropping a few pounds will help your blood pressure or any other condition. Exercise in order to have a stronger body with more stamina. Be proud of what your body is capable of instead of focusing on jean size.
Seek professional help, if necessary. Poor self-image is a symptom of depression. Don't feel that this is a problem you must tackle on your own. Seek a counselor or someone you trust for guidance.