How to Return to Work after Being Treated for Depression

Returning to work is probably one of the biggest challenges faced by the person who has suffered from depression. However, it can also be a positive step in the right direction and can help make the person feel that normality has returned after a dark period. The social interaction at work, the structure and routine can all be reassuring. A common symptom of depression is a low self-esteem. For many people, work gives affirmation and satisfaction, and a correctly timed and managed return to work, can help restore self-worth.


  1. Planning

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      Discuss your needs with a human resources manager, if you want to return gradually.

      Plan your return to work. Seek the advice of your physician or psychiatrist on the correct time to return. Discuss your return with your manager or senior manager. In some cases it may be more appropriate to discuss your return to work with your human resources officer

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      Consider a gradual return or return on a part-time basis. You may be able to do this, depending on your own needs, and the flexibility of the workplace. It is difficult to return to full-time work, particularly if you have been off for a considerable period of time.

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      Recognize that you will probably find the return to work tiring, particularly if you are taking medication. Ensure that you have rest periods in the evenings and during weekends. Have a back-up strategy if you begin to find work very stressful - for instance there may be a person within the organization you can turn to for support.

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      Consider getting in touch with work colleagues or even dropping into work before your actual return. This might break the ice and ease your path back to work.

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