Treatment Programs for Women Inmates

Treatment programs for female inmates cater to problems unique to women in prison. Many treatment programs, regardless of the problem addressed, focus on treating or rehabilitating women in a manner they respond to. Group therapy sessions and communal treatment are stressed, as is the importance of socialization. Treatment programs vary widely but most focus on improving inmates quality of life while in prison and once they reenter society.
  1. Reentry Rehabilitation Programs

    • Traditionally, programs designed to help inmates reenter society after serving time in prison have focused on male inmates only. Recent research suggests that female inmates have reentry-related problems as well, and they may even have more difficulty than men. As a result, therapeutic communities for women are being implemented throughout the country. These communities deal with women-related issues in a non-confrontational manner, such as sexual abuse and relationships with children.

    Drug and Substance Abuse Programs

    • Although less female inmates regularly use drugs than the males, drug and substance abuse is still a problem among female inmates. Current treatment programs include prescribing replacement drugs such as methadone, outpatient treatment and stress-coping techniques. Therapies available to inmates include psychotherapy, family therapy and cognitive therapy.

    Behavior Rehabilitation Programs

    • In addition to potentially life-threatening issues such as drug abuse, female inmates also need treatment in less obvious areas, such as socialization and behavior control. For many inmates, opportunities to operate in semi-normal environments and to engage in altruistic activities boosts morale and builds confidence. The Paws on Parole Program, an inmate dog training program, links female inmates with service dogs destined to improve the quality of life for our nation's veterans. Not only do the inmates bond with the dogs they help train, they are also able to work on important skills they will need to succeed outside of prison.

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