Activities for People Who Are Depressed
Get Outside!
According to a 2009 study from the University of Alabama, a lack of sunlight has been linked to a decrease in cognitive function in people with depression. Sunlight is a fantastic source of vitamin D, and many doctors have drawn links between vitamin D deficiency and seasonal affective disorder, a form of depression affecting many people in the low-sunlight fall and winter months.
Many people with depression feel the need to stay indoors, away from others and limit their exposure to the outside world. The solution? Go outside! If it's a nice day, try going for a walk around the neighborhood, or enjoying a meal outdoors.
Many people with depression feel sluggish or constantly tired, and the last thing they want to do is exercise. According to the Mayo Clinic, however, that's exactly what they should be doing.
Exercise helps depressed people by releasing feel-good brain chemicals like endorphins and other neurotransmitters. Exercise also helps people gain confidence as they become more fit and helps take a depressed person's mind off of his depression.
Any type of exercise is good for depression, from lifting weights to simply taking a stroll around your neighborhood. The most important thing is to get out and move your body!
Meditation has been used as a healing tool around the world for centuries. Meditating can help depressed people by forcing them to be calm still, and centered while engaging their brains in a positive manner.
There are several self-help guides to meditation for depression, or you can hire a trainer to help you find the meditation style that will be best for you and your specific needs.
Be Creative
People with depression often find solace in creativity. It helps many depressed people feel less depressed when they get their feelings out. If you're feeling down, break out the old paint set, dust off your guitar or do some journaling and get it off your chest. Dancing can be especially helpful for people with depression, since it is a form of both exercise and self-expression.