How Do I Handle a Depressed Fiancee?
Dealing With Your Fiancee's Depression.
Learn the signs. When you know the signs of depression, you can more quickly identify it in your fiancee. The Mayo Clinic lists symptoms including feeling sad, losing interest in hobbies, feeling hopeless, worthless or irritable. Other signs include changes in appetite and weight, decreased energy, problems sleeping, feeling guilty, difficulty thinking and concentrating, thoughts of suicide and drug and alcohol abuse.
Encourage your fiancee to get treatment. Depression rarely gets better without the proper treatment, so the Mayo Clinic recommends talking to your fiancee and explaining that depression is a medical condition, not a weakness. Suggest that she gets professional help from a medical doctor or mental health care provider. You can offer to prepare a list of questions for her to discuss and express your willingness to help by setting up appointments or attending joint therapy sessions.
Try to understand the cause of her depression. Has she been experiencing any menstrual problems, feeling pressure from work or having difficulty juggling the responsibilities of the wedding and daily household chores? Is she pregnant or has she experienced a recent miscarriage? All of these are common reasons women fall susceptible to depression, according to the Mayo Clinic. Knowing what's causing it can help determine the best way of treating it.
Know how your fiancee deals with depression, so you can determine if it is getting worse. If you see signs that her depression is becoming more of a problem, the Mayo Clinic advises contacting her doctor about medication changes or seeing a mental health care provider.
Watch out for the warning signs of suicide. If your fiancee starts to exhibit them, talk to her about your concerns, seek help, call a suicide hot line number and make sure that she is staying in a safe environment. If you believe she is a suicide risk, stay with her and call 911, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Offer her support by learning about and understanding depression. Listen to your fiancee and her concerns and don't forget to give her positive reinforcement. You need to be patient with her, offer her companionship and encourage her to get help and stick with a treatment plan, according to the Mayo Clinic. Offer to help take some stress off her by taking on some of the wedding arrangements or doing chores that she may do at home. This will give her some more time to relax and help reduce any pressure she may be feeling.
Take care of yourself. Make sure that you are eating well and getting enough rest because your fiancee's problems can take a toll on you. You'll need your energy to give her the support she needs.