Child Bereavement Counselor Training
Preliminary Educational Requirements
Certification programs offer special training in grief and bereavement issues. Most of these programs are only available to those who hold at least a Bachelor's degree in a related field. Psychology, sociology and nursing are three of the most common educational degree choices. Ordained clergy can legally counsel within the guidelines of their profession and often hold a degree in theology.
Some bereavement educational programs require a master's degree or a specified number of years working as a licensed counselor. Advanced degrees that fulfill the master's degree requirement include those in social work, psychology, theology, medicine and nursing. Programs that accept work experience will require verifying documentation.
Licensed counseling requirements vary by state and require a competency test. Most ministers meet state requirements following ordination.
Specialized Training
Grief and bereavement certification requires specific training in grief and recovery. The American Institute of Health Professionals and the Association for Death Education and Counseling are two organizations that offer certification to qualified professionals in the counseling profession. Advanced training and certification in child and adolescent grief and bereavement is available only after receiving certification as a grief and bereavement counselor.
Less Intensive Approach
The Grief Recovery Institute offers a four-day certification course that does not require advanced degrees and a counseling license. This certification may be useful for clergy, licensed professional counselors, funeral homes and cemetery professionals or those who desire to volunteer their time in hospice, nursing home and school programs. This program will probably not fulfill requirements for counseling professionals unless they already have the required state license.