How Do I Deal With Post Partum Mood Swings?
Natural Treatment
Change your diet. A woman's diet has a huge effect on the way she thinks and feels, even more so after having a baby. Eating healthy, balanced meals helps regulate hormone levels and reduce stress. The American Health Association suggests eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and healthful fatty acids. Strawberries, broccoli, whole grain breads and cereals, eggs, nuts and beans are a few examples of the delicious and nutritious foods you should include in meals.
Take a few moments to collect your thoughts and rest your mind---that may be all you need to relieve post-partum symptoms. Take a warm bubble bath at night. Light some candles, flip open your favorite book or turn on your favorite music.
Get help. New mothers need all the help they can get. Talk to your family and close friends, who are likely more than willing to devote some time to helping clean the house, watch the baby and give you some much-needed rest.
Conventional Treatment
Talk to your doctor about starting on a medicinal treatment. Doctors often prescribe Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, or SSRIs, for post-partum mood swings. These medications help by increasing levels of serotonin in the brain.
Ask your doctor about hormone therapy and whether he or she considers it a suitable treatment for your mood swings. Estrogen replacement can help ease symptoms of post-partum depression after childbirth by increasing a woman's estrogen levels.
Consider cognitive-behavior therapy. This therapy, a form of psychotherapy, is typically used alongside medication or hormone replacement therapy. Cognitive-behavior therapy, or CBT, aims to solve problems involving dysfunctional emotions by changing thinking patterns and behavior.