Methods of Boosting Serotonin
Things You'll Need
- Treat with sugar
- Carbohydrates
- Sunlight
- Sun screen and
- Sunglasses
Eat your favorite sugary treat to instantly boost your serotonin levels. You do not need to worry about ruining your diet if you eat a small portion. Your brain needs sugar in order to function normally and this is the quickest way to feel better. Keep a small sugary treat for late in the afternoon when you begin to feel sluggish.
Eat a few carbohydrates throughout the day. Protein is essential for building and maintaining healthy muscles, but carbohydrates help the body use the protein. These two elements work hand in hand, and must be balanced so the serotonin levels do not dip too low. Eating healthy balanced meals will help your body run at its optimum level and keep your energy up.
Exercise every day to keep your serotonin level up. Do a little jogging or play your favorite sport. Keep trying new activities so you do not feel like exercising is a chore. Organize a volleyball game with friends and family. Try inline skating. Grab a jumprope the next time you are out shopping. Vary your activities and you will never get bored. Add a little weight training. Building strong healthy muscles is excellent for overall health and this will boost serotonin as well.
Sleep more and sleep well. Be sure you go to bed around the same time every night and get up about the same time every morning, so your body stays in a consistent state. This is the best way to guarantee you will be able to sleep and get enough rest. Lack of sleep dramatically affects serotonin, so schedule your sleep hours and make it a priority to get enough.
Get outdoors and into the sunshine. Sunlight is a natural serotonin booster. Be sure to take a little time out every day to get outside. Fresh air and sunshine are the best natural ways to keep your serotonin levels up. Do not forget the sunscreen and a pair of cool sunglasses to prevent premature aging.