Overview of Anergia Depression
Causes of Depression
Irregularities in two chemicals found in the brain, serotonin and norepinephrine, cause a person to feel irritable, anxious, and abnormally tired. Scientists are actively researching the human brain to trace depression to other biochemical factors. Genetics, personality, environmental factors, and medical conditions also contribute to depression. Anergic depression is often found in those diagnosed with a bipolar disorder or other pseudo-unipolar affected diseases.
Depression shows itself with changes in appetite, personality, sleep patterns, physical ailments that do not respond to treatment, abandonment of interests and upkeep of personal grooming, inability to concentrate and sadness that lasts more than two weeks. Fatigue, a primary factor in anergic depression, is also a symptom. Anergic depression causes a total loss of interest in work, social, or recreational activities. There is often a drop in sexual drive and activity. Anhedonia, the feeling that nothing is pleasurable, is often present with anergia.
When symptoms are present, a doctor will first perform an examination to understand and address any physical causes, such as thyroid conditions which may also trigger deep fatigue. Laboratory tests and a diagnostic evaluation covering symptoms, family history and personal lifestyle assist in determining depression and its type. The most prevalent types of depression are major or clinical, dysthymia, chronic, manic and atypical.
Although it may require patience, recovery from anergic depression can be attained. The most successful treatments can employ antidepressant medication, psychotherapy (talk therapy), or both. Patients may also take strides to control their condition by getting adequate sleep, developing a support system of family and friends, regularly exercising, eating a balanced and healthy diet, recognizing and addressing feelings as they occur, and developing stress-management skills.
Other Diseases Associated With Anergia
Anergia may also be a component in other diseases. Preschizophrenia, schizophrenia, thyroid disorders, and geriatric syndromes all exhibit the negative affects of anergia.