Using Passion Flower for Zoloft Withdrawal
Zoloft is a popular medicine for treating depression and, like any other drug on the market, it can have a withdrawal cycle. Withdrawal symptoms include nausea, tremors, light headedness, muscle pains, weakness, insomnia and anxiety. Symptoms can last a couple of weeks to more than a month. Passion flower is a homeopathic cure for Zoloft withdrawal and does not require a prescription. Passion flower has also been seen to alleviate withdrawal symptoms in other drugs as well.Instructions
See a doctor. While passion flower can be found at a variety of health food and vitamin stories without a prescription, your first step should be to talk with your doctor. A medical professional can help you determine if passion flower supplements are the right path to help with withdrawal.
Take the pills. Your doctor will provide you with the suggested dosage to help your withdrawal. Chemicals in passion flower are known to having calming effects on the body and reduce muscle spasms.
Watch for side effects. While passion flower supplements are generally safe for use, a few side effects are cause for concern. Passion flower side effects include dizziness, confusion and inflamed blood vessels.
Follow up with your doctor, who can discuss any side effects you have been experiencing and if the passion flower has had the desired effect in eliminating Zoloft withdrawal. If the side effects prove too much or are not curbing the withdrawal, then you may want to switch to a new medicine.
Stop taking the passion flower. After about a month, the Zoloft should be completely out of your system and withdrawal symptoms should have subsided. The withdrawal subsided, you should be able to stop taking the passion flower and not experience any discomfort.