Internet Behavior & Addiction
Look if a person is behaving in a way where they are pre-occupied with the Internet. Some examples include: worrying about online games, last chatroom experience, and constant thoughts about when to get back online.
A Taiwanese study profiled in a Los Angeles Times article pointed to a link between ADHD in children and Internet addictive behavior. Those with ADHD that exhibited significant hostility were likely to have a dependence on the Internet. Those suffering from depression also exhibited symptoms of Internet addiction. The study's authors concluded that the Internet offers immediate and rapid response and rewards. It offers the ADHD sufferer multiple activities so that they are not easily bored.
Neglecting Friends And Family
One of the obvious signs of Internet addiction and behavior is neglect. This applies to any addictive situation, but if a person is not paying attention to her children's needs and spending more time typing on the computer than conversing, this is likely an indication that she may be addicted.
Staying Online For Long Periods
Some people who depend on the computer for work-related activities will find themselves on the computer for long hours. This applies to students or anyone in a position that involves research or writing, such as bloggers, students writing research papers, and those interested in solving a problem. However, the difference between these type of people and others addicted to the Internet is that they will stop and take breaks; they will only focus on the task at hand and when it is complete they leave. An addicted user will not leave the computer for long periods of time. They may spend hours online without eating, drinking or going to the bathroom; they may also spend more time on the computer than sleeping or resting.
A Means Of Escape
Most Internet addicted users are also depressed according to a report published on Web MD. People escape to a virtual world to avoid dealing with problems and people. They may see this as some sort of retreat. The harmful effects include psychological and physiological withdrawal.