UV Lamp Depression
UV lamps and light boxes used for the treatment of depression should have certain features. Some UV lamps are specifically designed to treat seasonal affective disorder. Some light boxes and lamps filter out UV light, which can damage the eyes and skin. UV lamps are available with light-emitting diodes (LEDs), which may be more efficient, as opposed to fluorescent or incandescent bulbs. UV lamps are commercially available in a variety of sizes and styles; they can be purchased without prescription.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that recurs when the seasons change. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), most cases of SAD recur in the late fall and winter. Symptoms of winter onset SAD include changes in sleeping patterns, appetite changes, fatigue, decreased interest in enjoyable activities, extended periods of sadness, and in some cases, suicidal thoughts. According to the NAMI, light therapy is "considered the first-line treatment" of seasonal affective disorder.
Light Therapy
Light therapy, which may also be known as bright light therapy or phototherapy, is the periodic exposure to the light of a UV lamp. According to Mayo Clinic, the light from UV lamps mimics natural daylight and may help to reset the body's circadian rhythm and regulate the release of the neurotransmitter melatonin. According to the NAMI, UV lamps used for light therapy should emit 10,000 lux of light. A typical light therapy session is approximately 30 minutes in the morning, according to NAMI.
Though it has not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a treatment for depression, light therapy it is considered the main treatment of SAD, according to Mayo Clinic. Light therapy is not intended as a cure for any type of depression, but only as means of managing symptoms. According to the NAMI, light therapy eliminates symptoms of SAD in 50 to 80 percent of cases.
Side Effects
Side effects of light therapy are rare, but they can include headache, nausea, eyestrain, agitation and sleep disturbances. According to Mayo Clinic, light therapy may trigger a manic episode in people who have some form of bipolar disorder.