Signs & Symptoms of Depression & Teen Suicide

Identifying the signs and symptoms of teenage depression can be difficult. Between school, friends and their changing bodies, teenagers deal with a host of challenges every day---it's normal for them to seem stressed, defiant or even a bit distant. When a teenager is consistent in his behavior, though, or it escalates, you should recognize the signs that he may be struggling with depression.
  1. Anger

    • Irritability is a major sign of depression in teenagers. This may present itself as a generally hostile mood or uncontrolled outbursts or violence. He may also channel his aggression by acting out, doing such things as shoplifting, running away or disobeying requests.


    • Teenagers experiencing depression may suddenly lose interest in the world around them. This can include withdrawing from friends and family, losing interest in activities that once interested them, lack of effort on schoolwork and neglecting to maintain personal appearance.


    • Depressed teens may feel pessimistic and hopeless about the future. They may suffer from feelings of worthlessness, failure, loneliness and rejection. Their lack of self-worth may make them blame themselves for bad situations, including ones that are out of their control. They could begin to feel as if they are a burden.

    Physical Symptoms

    • Depression can present itself physically, especially in teenagers. They may complain of unexplained physical symptoms, like stomachaches, headaches, menstrual problems and various other aches and pains. It is best to take these claims at face value---only if no physical medical cause is found should you assume that depression is to blame.

    Suicide Warning Signs

    • Teenagers considering suicide may exhibit warning signs long before attempting anything drastic. They may engage in self-destructive behaviors, like drinking, smoking or self-mutilation. They may drop verbal hints, both intentionally and subconsciously, such as talking about going away, never seeing you again or life no longer being worth living. Though they may sound like the overdramatic gripes of a teenager, these are warning signs that must be taken very seriously.

      Suicidal teens may also talk about death and/or suicide at great length, even romanticizing the notion. They may give away their possessions or say goodbye to their friends.

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